“Today’s success comes from far away. A company can grow if, well aware of its roots and history, is capable of investing in research and innovation.
Regular investments and strategies aimed at optimising production are at the basis of a success that crossed the most
difficult market boundaries. The extension of the range of products, in-depth answers to each request of the customer, and
satisfying quality standards, represent the winning solution to market continual evolution and globalisation”.
Roberto Roveta, Company Inc.

“Today’s success comes from far away. A company can grow if, well aware of its roots and history, is capable of investing in research and innovation.
Regular investments and strategies aimed at optimising production are at the basis of a success that crossed the most
difficult market boundaries. The extension of the range of products, in-depth answers to each request of the customer, and
satisfying quality standards, represent the winning solution to market continual evolution and globalisation”.
Roberto Roveta, Company Inc.